Morocco building strong tourist offerings

Tourist accommodation, travel agencies, guides, sightseeing carriers, or actors positioned at associated activities and/or animation, such as cultural and leisure activities or restaurants, are the main links of the tourism value chain in Morocco. These actors are shaping the tourist offerings and play a leading role in its development and positioning.

The Morocco Tourism of Ministry is building strong and attractive Moroccan tourist offerings based largely on the quality of tourism services provided by tourism stakeholders throughout the tourism value chain. These links are facing major quantitative and qualitative challenges.

The changing expectations of tourists, the expansion of tourism offerings globally, and the development of new technologies, result firstly by professional requirements, enhancement of the quality of services of traditional players, and by the challenge of creating and developing related activities which can enrich and complement the tourist offerings.

The projections of the 2020 vision highlight a need for creation of companies estimated at about 7,700 new SMEs/TPE tourists generating some 50,000 new jobs. To meet these challenges, Vision 2020 has planned a National Program for Innovation and Competitive Tourism. This major project is expected to:

• Strukturimi i strukturës ekonomike dhe mbështetja e palëve të interesuara në turizëm përmes zhvillimit të mekanizmave specifikë të udhëzimit dhe mbështetjes për ndërmarrjet e vogla dhe të mesme të turizmit.

• Zhvillimi i një kulture të mirëfilltë të cilësisë midis operatorëve të turizmit.

• Përmirësimi i mbikëqyrjes së turizmit dhe ngritja e standardeve në një nivel ndërkombëtar përmes reformave rregullatore që mbështesin bizneset dhe produktet e reja të Vizionit dhe inkurajojnë rrjetet e konkurrencës dhe zhvillimit.